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18 July 2019

Minutes from Ilya Bensu's opening tapping

Awoworiwo! Unity!
As it happened again today 17/07/2019.
ILYA BENSU (Home of  karability)
Jaration started round 2:30 pm.
And procession was fired by AB BENSU at 5:011 pm,all comrands / Congos present formed the procession line.
Congo Jackson and Fellow James were blessed as emergency pourer by AB Live.

Ab BENSU,xyz 5 and Methuselah chief,zeed 16 ,Ab elder were made on the high table.
Ab kord Ekpoma fello6 convergence fired prayermutus in ESAN languaja,s.f ifeanyi prayermutized on ojukwu languaguaja,while s.f bolar prayermutized in pure kegistic languaja.
Chief Micah (zeed 5) blessed okpaka6 cum okpeke6.
Chief Hortons (Methuselah) blessed chief6.
Ab BENSU blessed he palm wine (holy water).and Gyration ground g.
Chief Micah called on all am KARID without 4/4 to the center of center6 and later placed then on a fine of 4 emblems each.
The entities are
1, Ab C4G  (Congo)
2, congoJackson pourer
3,  congo Thomas
4, Congo Andrew
5, Congo Lawrence shrine COMMANDANT 2
6, Congo Collins
Congo omon.

2 baba6 were librated

1, Congo John Amune ( the bishop)
2, fellow Akhazu ehimen.

The AB G.lords that where not made on environmental sanitation day di,via palace MENTAINANCE were called to the center of center6.and AB live fired and placed them on 2 million jara6.
Ab parrot read the last G.lords mutation minute to the general house,so that entities that were not made to timper.
All final year students were called to the center of jarosperm. To temper youn their facetus.they include.
Okpeke halimat, okpeke, Cynthia, okpaka Joshua, okpaka Kingsley, okpaka omonrodion, okpeke joy, okpaka okosun, okpaka Sunday, okpeke happy, okpeke precious and okpaka Frank.

Entities present 43 in number.

And the Jara was later puntuated as about 6:48pm.
May we all walk and never jam blast.


  1. shedrack du QueensJuly 18, 2019 at 8:10 AM

    Nice to see comradic dynamism of this nature, I'm already feeling amongst this ilya frim the UK, keep it up Bensu, d gods are and ahall remaib wise......Shedrack from Ilya du Queens

  2. Elda Ajayi Stephen (BENSU)July 18, 2019 at 8:35 AM

    Karability kosofowora!!!
    Karab at its peak!!!
    �� Elda Bensu on d keypad
